SEND, Equality & Inclusion
In This Section
SEN Information Report
2024 – 2025
This special educational needs (SEN) information report is based on the SEN Code of Practice published in July 2014
In previous versions of the Code of Practice, this may have been referred to as the school’s ‘local offer’.
SENDCO: Mr D. Britner Vulnerable Pupils Governors: Mrs L. Hall & Ms. M. Gott
School Mission Statement
Stansfield Hall Church of England / Methodist Church Primary School strives to meet the needs of all our children by providing a stimulating and challenging all round.
All teachers are responsible for every child in their care, including those with special educational needs.
Through the answers to the questions below, we hope that you will find the information that you require regarding how we support children and young people with SEND at Stansfield Hall. Should you have any further questions, or would like this information in an alternative format, please do not hesitate to contact the SENDCO at school.
What kinds of Special Educational Needs (SEN) are provided for at Stansfield Hall?
At Stansfield Hall we will use our best endeavours to meet the needs of all children and young people in order that they can be included in our school community.
Children and young people’s SEN are generally thought of in four broad areas of need and support:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health
- Sensory and/or physical needs
How do staff know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?
When pupils have identified SEND before they start our school, we work with the people and agencies who already know them and use the information already available to identify what their SEN will be in our school setting. We have contact with a large number of nurseries and rely heavily on their input and that of information from parents during the Summer Term before they start school.
The child’s class teacher is the first point of contact for parents who may think that their child has developed additional needs. Following on from the parent teacher consultation, the class teacher may liaise with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) for further advice and guidance. We will share what we discover with you and agree with you what we will do next and what you can do to help your child. Possible outcomes could include further assessments and investigations or interventions put in place.
If our staff think that your child has a SEN this may be because they are not making the same progress as other pupils. We will observe them; we will assess their understanding of what we are doing in school and use tests to pinpoint what is causing the difficulty.
We have internal processes for monitoring quality of provision and assessment of need. These include:
- Team meetings
- SEN review meetings.
- Pupil Progress Meetings
- Formative and summative assessments.
- Tracking and monitoring the impact of Intervention Strategies
How will staff at Stansfield Hall support my child?
Considerable thought, planning and preparations goes into utilising our support staff to ensure children achieve the best outcomes, gain independence and are prepared for adulthood from the earliest possible age.
At Stansfield Hall, we offer many different forms of additional provision. This can include in-class support; additional out-of-class support; one-to-one support; flexible groupings (including small group work); access to specific resources; mentoring; and a wide range of outside agencies.
Additional provision is overseen by the school’s SENCO and is designed and implemented by an excellent team of teachers alongside a fantastic group of highly skilled teaching assistants. As with individual targets, the most important point is this: additional support depends on the needs of the whole child.
For many children, outcomes will be connected to learning and will often be specifically to do with English and Maths. For other children, they may be to do with social interaction, communicating with children and adults, emotional difficulties, overcoming physical issues (e.g. problems with fine/gross motor control etc…). The most important point is that outcomes sought depend on the needs of the individual child or young person.
The class teacher plans for all the pupils in his/her class, differentiates accordingly to suit the pupil’s individual needs and is responsible for the assessment of their progress. Children are taught as a whole class, as groups, or 1:1 by both class teacher and the teaching assistants.
The provision for Children and young people with SEND is monitored and evaluated by the SENCO through the use of SEN Review meetings, Pupil Progress Meetings, tracking the impact of intervention Strategies and analysing progress, both academic and social.
The Governors are responsible for the overseeing of all policies and procedures in relation to SEND in school.
How do staff at Stansfield Hall assess pupil progress towards the outcomes we have identified for pupils?
For children who are working outside the expectations of the National Curriculum for their year group, we currently use an ability appropriate National Curriculum assessment. Where possible, staff attend moderation clusters with other schools and those provided by the Local Authority. Teachers and teaching assistants check how well a pupil understands and makes progress in each lesson. Progress is discussed with parents at a Review Meeting or during Parents’ Evenings.
Pupil progress meetings are held each term to discuss the progress of pupils with the Headteacher or Deputy. The shared discussions will highlight what further support or intervention may be needed to increase progress and bring the child back on track to meet their own personal outcomes and possible end of year targets.
Children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) have an annual review to look at how they are progressing and to review and amend the support and provision in the plan as appropriate.
How will the curriculum and the learning environment be adapted and matched to my child’s needs?
All pupils at Stansfield Hall benefit from a range of teaching and learning styles; a range of learning environments, such as Forest Schools; a creative and differentiated curriculum; a range of differentiated learning materials (for reinforcement and extension); assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements; intervention programmes; access to ICT; differentiated booster groups and extra-curricular activities.
All our staff are trained so that we are able to adapt to a range of SEN- specific learning difficulties (SpLD); autistic spectrum disorder (ASD); speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) and take advice from visiting professionals when needed.
We believe it is important for children to develop relationships with a number of adults across the school and ensure all staff understand a child’s SEN. Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and includes all the mainstream subject areas but has been adapted by staff to enable all pupils to access each subject in a meaningful and purposeful way.
Access to the Curriculum is important. Therefore, school uses a wide variety of intervention and resources to facilitate access to the curriculum, these currently include:
- Maths - 1:1 Catch-up,
- Reading/Writing – Precision Teaching, Comprehension groups, Read Write Inc. and Toe-by-Toe.
- Phonics/Spelling – Multi-sensory programmes, Phase based spelling intervention,
- Language and Communication –, Lego Therapy
- Personal, Social, Health Education –, Lego Therapy, Social Stories.
- Fine Motor Skills – OT intervention programmes, Handwriting, Funky Fingers/Dough Disco.
It may be that your child needs specialist equipment e.g. sloping boards, pencils grips, posture support cushions and/or different chairs. These can be provided by school or we will seek additional support from external agencies to gain the specialist equipment to help your child make progress.
Our children are consulted about their preferred learning style and what best supports them in their learning journey. They make progress in many ways not only through academic achievement. We teach using approaches to develop confidence, resilience and independence and offer opportunities for these skills to be transferred across the school setting creating a firm foundation for individual growth.
How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Parents will have a formal parent’s evening twice a year. Depending on the child’s needs, we may schedule more frequent meetings e.g. half termly. Parents are encouraged to request extra meetings to discuss any concerns or questions they may have. During this meeting, you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child, their progress, achievements and steps for the next year, as well as meet your child’s new class teacher.
Parents Evening are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms for teachers to discuss your child’s progress. At the end of each year you will receive a written report outlining progress made. This Summer Term report also outlines outcomes for your child to aim for the following year.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being including their social and emotional development?
At Stansfield Hall, we pride ourselves in how well we promote children’s well-being and emotional health.
Your child’s well-being and emotional health lies alongside their academic progress. Teachers plan for the holistic development of each child in his/her class, using their detailed knowledge of each individual to promote their confidence and self-esteem. Individual behaviour plans are used should there be the additional need.
As a school we offer a wide range of pastoral support for pupils who encounter emotional difficulties which include:
- Teachers and teaching assistants readily available to discuss issues and concerns.
- intervention groups,
- Art Therapy,
- Wild Crew, Messy Crew, Scrummy Crew
- Clubs, resources and extra adult supervision from teaching assistants and teachers at lunchtime to support children who find them challenging.
- If a pupil has a medical need then a detailed Health Care Plan is compiled.
- Pupil Voice, Student Council, Ethos Group and whole school learning events.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
Senior leaders, teachers and teaching assistants are highly skilled in meeting the individual learning, behaviour and social needs of our children. However, we also have good working relationships with a range of external support services and welcome opportunities to work cooperatively to gain the best outcomes for our children. The school currently accesses a range of specialist services including but not exclusive to:
- School Nurse
- Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)
- Occupational Therapist (OT)
- Educational Psychologists (EP)
- Rochdale Additional Needs Service (RANS) including specialist teams for Hearing Visual and Physical Impairments.
- Social Care
- Paediatricians – accessed via school nurse and/or GP’s
- SENDIASS (Rochdale SEND Information, Advice and Support Service)
- HEALTHY YOUNG MINDS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Mental Health Services)
What training and development have staff undertaken to support children and young people with SEND?
All staff value their continued professional development and are willing and keen to undertake further training to support the children and young people with SEND in our school.
This year staff have attended or will be attending training sessions on:
- Personal Health, Social and Citizenship Education (PHSCE)
- Diversity – Anti-Bullying Training
- Positive behaviour management
- Understanding ASC
- TAF training
- Safeguarding
- Paediatric First Aid
- Attachment Awareness Training
- Awareness of ASC in Girls
How accessible is the school environment?
Please see our Accessibility Plan (available to download from the left)
How will the school prepare and support my child when joining Stansfield Hall or through their transition to their next stage of education?
When pupils have identified SEND before they start our school, we work with the people and agencies that already know them and use the information already available to identify what their SEND will be in our school setting. We have a transition program for all children starting school. Parents and children are invited to play and stay visits during the Summer Term before they start school. Your child, if particularly worried or anxious, will be offered extra transition visits and opportunities to meet their new class teacher. Parents and children are more than welcome to look around school at any time to see what excellent provision we offer and whether you feel we can meet the needs of your child.
At our school we have good relationships with local secondary school. Our Year 6 Teacher / SENCO contacts the secondary school SENDCO and a meeting is arranged prior to transition so that any necessary information can be shared. Parents are invited to these meetings also. The secondary school SENDCO or a Learning Mentor will attend the meeting. Where children have Statements / EHC plans in the place, the SENDCO from the high school will be invited to attend year 6 review meetings. Secondary schools send representatives to come into school to talk to their potential new pupils. Children will get the opportunity to spend a day in their new schools/settings so that they become familiar with their new environment. If your child particularly worried or anxious, they will be offered extra transition visits to familiarise themselves with the routines of their new school. Transition visits are most successful and beneficial particularly when your child is going into Secondary school. Relevant paper work is guaranteed to be passed on to them and they are made aware of any special requirements, both educationally and pastorally.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
At Stansfield Hall we plan ahead to ensure that all of our extra-curricular activities are carefully adapted for all of our children including those with specific needs. We are delighted with all the children who actively participate in all of our school trips, residential, extra-curricular clubs, sports teams and school committees (e.g. our school council. As a fully inclusive school, all children participate in whole school curriculum and off-site activities. The extent to which each child participates and the levels of support received will vary between children, but we differentiate the activities and expectations to enable all children to take part.
How does additional resource and funding work for children and young people with SEND?
Schools receive funding for all pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and disabilities and the majority of pupil’s special educational needs are met from this funding.
If the assessment of a pupil’s needs identifies something that is significantly different to what is usually available, there may be additional funding allocated following an Education, Health and Care needs assessment. This additional funding must be used to support the child/ young person to meet the outcomes identified in an EHC plan. Parents and the child/young person will be involved in the planning process and should have an opportunity to say how they think these resources should be used to best meet their child’s needs. Parents of children and young people can request that this additional resource is delivered through a personal budget. This must be used to fund the agreed plan and must be with the agreement of the Headteacher.
How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?
On a daily basis the class teacher determines the level of support for individual children within the class. When children whose SEN circumstances or health requirements indicate that additional support may be required, discussions are held between the class teacher and SENCO to determine what this may be. Typically, this support continues to be provided from within the class, but maybe targeted at specific times. If evidence suggests that even higher levels of support or funding maybe beneficial this is agreed by the Headteacher and SENCO with parental consultation and contribution. If further application for funding and support is deemed necessary, a request for an EHC needs assessment will be made by the SENCO and parents/carers/ young person working in partnership.
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
Involving parents and learners in the dialogue is central to our approach and we do this through:
- Discussions with the class teacher.
- Regular Review Meetings
- During parents’ evenings
- During discussions with other professionals
- Multi-Agency Meetings
- Secondary Transition Meeting
- Annual reviews
Who can I contact for further information or if I have any issues or concerns?
The first point of contact for anything related to your child’s education is the class teacher. We encourage parents not to wait for the next formal opportunity to meet but to contact us on an ongoing basis.
For matters not directly related to your child’s progress, parents are invited to contact the school office and the SENDCO, Deputy or Headteacher will be available to talk to you at a mutually convenient time.
If you feel your matter still has not been dealt with you can follow the procedures outlined in our school complaints policy, which is on our school website under policies.
Rochdale SENDIASS can provide independent information, advice and support on all matters related to SEND, they can be contacted at:
Telephone 01706 515 741
Address Unique Mill Enterprise Centre Belfield Road
Rochdale, OL16 2UP
If your concern is with the local authority, further information can be found using the following link:
Other Information
Relevant school policies underpinning this SEN Information Report include:
- SEND Policy
- Accessibility Plan
- Teaching & Learning Policy
- Assessment Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Administration of Medicines Policy
Legislative Acts considered when compiling this report include:
- Children & Families Act 2014
- Equality Act 2010
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
Record of Monitoring and Review of this Report
This report was developed by David Britner (SENDCo)
This report was reviewed in September 2024
This report will be formally reviewed with all stakeholders annually, changes in provision will be added as and when they occur.