Stansfield Hall Church of England | Methodist Church Primary School

Let Your Light Shine - Matthew 5:14

Todmorden Road, Littleborough, Lancashire OL15 9PR

01706 378273

Welcome to

Stansfield Hall Primary School

Church of England | Methodist Church

"Learning and Achieving in a Caring Community"

Sport Premium 2023/24

Total amount carried over from 2022/23


Total amount allocated for 2023/24


How much (if any) do you intend to carry over from this total fund into 2024/25?


Total amount allocated for 2023/24


Total amount of funding for 2023/24. Ideally should be spent and reported on by 31st July 2023.

£ 17,090.00

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.


N.B. Complete this section to your best ability. For example you might have practised safe self-rescue techniques on dry land which you can then transfer to the pool when school swimming restarts.

Due to exceptional circumstances priority should be given to ensuring that pupils can perform safe self rescue even if they do not fully meet the first two requirements of the NC programme of study


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?

N.B. Even though your pupils may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving primary school at the end of the summer term 2023.

Please see note above


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?

Please see note above


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?



Academic Year: 2023/24

Total fund allocated: £17,090.00

Date Updated: 31/07/2024


Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear what you want the pupils to know and be able to do and about

what they need to learn and to

consolidate through practice:

Make sure your actions to achieve are linked to your intentions:

Funding allocated:

Evidence of impact: what do pupils now know and what can they now do? What has changed?:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Qualified sports coach available daily at lunchtimes to deliver planned sporting activities.

Instructor led activities to introduce children to various team sports. Building children’s fitness and stamina but also skills in the relevant sports.

£2, 945.00

Children engaged with the sports coach to be involved in various team sports.

Sports coach to continue to be utilized at lunchtimes next academic year but also in after school club.

Introduce student play leaders at breaktime and lunchtime

Training from local sports partnership for Staff and Pupils


Purchase of equipment set to be able to deliver range of games


Children involved in running sporting activities and coaching eachother. 


Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear what you want the pupils to know and be able to do and about

what they need to learn and to

consolidate through practice:

Make sure your actions to achieve are linked to your intentions:

Funding allocated:

Evidence of impact: what do pupils now know and what can they now do? What has changed?:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Access to sports and physical activity out side of the curriculum.

After school club providing 30 minutes of outdoor physical activity per day.


Provide TA cover for after school club


200 pupil sessions per week are accessing the after school club and taking part in the 30 minutes of physical activity

Continue to promote a range of activities at after school club to keep pupils active.

Introduce dance to the curriculum, linked to key topics and support staff to deliver dance within PE lessons

Engage dance teachers to deliver initial sessions and train staff


Staff trained in delivering specific styles of dance during PE lessons.


Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear

Make sure your actions to


Evidence of impact: what do

Sustainability and suggested

what you want the pupils to know

achieve are linked to your


pupils now know and what

next steps:

and be able to do and about



can they now do? What has


what they need to learn and to





consolidate through practice:








Staff resource bank to improve the quality of PE Teaching across school.


Purchase a package that allows staff access to a resource bank to improve their subject knowledge and better deliver PE Lessons in school.



Staff developed high quality, well sequenced PE lessons and are now confident in delivering them.


Ensure PE Lead has access to appropriate CPD and target CPD for school staff in identified areas.

Sport lead to attend regional conference to gain understanding of best practice

Attend RBSGP annual Conference


Allow staff to collaborate with other PE Leads within the local authority and share best practice.


Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear

Make sure your actions to


Evidence of impact: what do

Sustainability and suggested

what you want the pupils to know

achieve are linked to your


pupils now know and what

next steps:

and be able to do and about



can they now do? What has


what they need to learn and to





consolidate through practice:





Pupils to take part in a range of other adventurous activities.

Pay for the residential trip to Robinwood for pupils in KS2.


Pay deposit for next years Pupils





Children tried new activities and took themselves out of their comfort zone but felt a real sense of achievement in new physical activities and sports. 

Continue to offer annual residential to introduce pupils to additional sports / activities otherwise not available at school.


Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear

Make sure your actions to


Evidence of impact: what do

Sustainability and suggested

what you want the pupils to know

achieve are linked to your


pupils now know and what

next steps:

and be able to do and about



can they now do? What has


what they need to learn and to





consolidate through practice:





Run inter-house sports competition

Purchase any required equipment to engage all pupils in an inter-house sports day.



All children took part in annual inter-house sports competition competing against peers.

Continue to use community links to allow the sports day to continue and run a similar school wide sporting competition moving forward.

Participation in competitive sports within the locality

Sign up to the Pennine School Sports group.


Partake in competitive sports competitions, Swimming, athletics, football.


Children take part in competition at a regional level. 



Last update: 2024-07-31