Stansfield Hall Church of England | Methodist Church Primary School

Let Your Light Shine - Matthew 5:14

Todmorden Road, Littleborough, Lancashire OL15 9PR

01706 378273

Welcome to

Stansfield Hall Primary School

Church of England | Methodist Church

"Learning and Achieving in a Caring Community"


“The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.”

Barack Obama 

Our carefully designed geography curriculum is intended to spark our pupils’ curiosity in the world around them and help them develop skills in geography as a tool for exploration. We have personalised the geography curriculum to the children that attend Stansfield Hall Church of England / Methodist Church Primary School and created inbuilt opportunities within the curriculum to take advantage of our setting and context. By the time children leave Stansfield Hall, they should be equipped with the geographical knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum, have a deep understanding of how to explore and understand their world and be able to communicate their findings confidently and accurately. 

At Stansfield Hall, we break our learning down into Key Stages 1 and 2. Each class receives a curriculum that is in line with the Geography programme of study. Each unit of geography at Stansfield Hall always contains a clear progression of knowledge across the course of the Key Stage and core skills will be covered by the end of each stage. 

In EYFS, geography is included within the Understanding the World area of learning. As with other learning in Nursery and Reception, our children learn about their world through focused learning activities directed by a member of staff. They experience the world around them through observing the weather and the seasons, taking walks in the local area and being interested in developing their vocabulary to include basic geographical terms. Practitioners ask questions and identify resources which allow children to slowly expand their knowledge of the world and their sense of place. 

In Key Stage 1, our children explore their immediate locality and begin to consider where they live and the physical features around them. They are introduced to simple plans and maps and look at aerial photographs. The children are introduced to world maps and begin to think about their place in the world and how the oceans and lands are spread across the Earth. Throughout year 1 and 2, children have the chance to broaden their geographical knowledge by studying the geographical features of the UK; they are introduced to concepts around physical geography and human geography. Children widen their locational awareness and use maps, globes and plans to increase their sense of place in the wider world. 

In Year 3 and 4, children develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of geographical concepts. Themes include food, volcanoes and children get the opportunity to explore coastlines and other parts of the world.

In Year 5 and 6, the children revisit the approaches to studying physical and human geography across the themes of South America and Brazil, the polar regions and water access across the globe. Research skills are refined and children become confident interpreting data and making sensible predictions. Social and economic issues are discussed and debated (such as climate change) but always the with knowledge that change can be positive and people can make a difference. 

We adapt our lessons carefully for our children with SEND to ensure that all children can access their learning. At the end of each unit, children’s understanding of the unit is assessed to ensure that children are constantly moved forward with their learning. In all lessons, key geographical vocabulary is embedded and children are actively encouraged to use it in their spoken language and written work. Across the phases, children will have access to either a trip or a experience directly related to their work in order to increase their understanding of geographical concepts. 

Above all, perhaps most fundamentally, we want our children to leave Stansfield Hall Church or England / Methodist Church Primary School with a passion for and enjoyment of learning about their world. 

Autumn Spring Summer
EYFS Nursery Please see our EYFS Curriculum Map Here

Years 1/2 

 Cycle A

Where Do I Live?  What Will I Find in My Local Area?  At The Farm

Years 1/2 

 Cycle B

The Four Seasons   My World and Me Seas and Coasts

Years 3/4

 Cycle A

Investigating Coasts Where Does Our Food Come From? Mexico Today

Years 3/4

 Cycle B

Settlements Volcanos  Our European Neighbours

Years 5/6 

 Cycle A

Investigating Rivers Natural Resources    How is Life Different in Brazil?

Years 5/6 

 Cycle B 

Water World   Mountains How Does our Local Area Compare with Other Parts of the UK?

For a more detailed look at our Geography curriculum, to see how skills and vocabulary are developed throughout and how knowledge is introduced and revisited through the curriculum please see our full curriculum overview document below.